Ihya Ramadan Program 2022 is our first Corporate Social Responsibility Project called Ihya Ramadan Program 2022/1443H with Sekolah Tahfiz Anak Yatim Alkitab, located at Beranang, Selangor. We managed to conduct our first official CSR Project this year and this event went successfully towards the end. Below are the details of the program
Date: 4th April 2022 / 1443 H Day: Monday Venue: Sekolah Tahfiz Anak Yatim Alkitab Activities:
Bubur Lambuk Distribution
Health Screening
Open Donation
Health Talk by Dr Abu Nizar(MBBS)
Explore Ramadan Race
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a very essential element that every company should have, to provide and contribute back to society and it can be done in many philanthropic ways. On top of that, by conducting this program, directly portrays our corporate image to the public and will get a good return from our investment in CSR activity at the end of the day.